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List of Ministries​

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Special Events

This ministry coordinates the major events throughout the year for all people. Includes the Valentine's Banquet, Christmas Party, Homecoming and church picnics.



One of the more vital ministries we have. This ministry allows those with small children to serve also or attend service.

Praise Team

Music adds to the beauty of the service and sets the hearts of the people. It leads the believer into the worship of God and sets the heart of the unbeliever to receive Jesus Christ.


Our most visible form of communication to the public. Our sign which is located in front of the post office encourages and communicates!

Prayer Chain

A network of people who are committed to prayer. They take action on behalf of others by lifting up specific requests, concerns and emergency situations.


Prepares baptismal, garments, towels, and sanctuary for baptisms. This ministry also assists those being baptized.


Providing support and comfort during the death of a loved one. Meals are coordinated before and after the funeral service for the family of the member that passed away.


Providing support and comfort during the death of a loved one. Meals are coordinated before and after the funeral service for the family of the member that passed away.


Our kitchen ministry plans and prepares refreshments/meals for special programs, events, in the church.

Mission Outreach

Actively involved in reaching our community and beyond through visitation, mission trips, mission projects, sermons on CD to shut-ins and widows. Assisted Living Ministry is one of our Mission Outreach ministries. We reach out to the residents of the local assisted living facility to bring fellowship, love, laughter and encouraging smiles.


AudioSound for worship services, praise team rehearsals and special events. Recording services on CD for those that were unable to attend the Worship Service.


Volunteers help beautify our church and emphasize special occasions and seasonal events.

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