We have many opportunities to serve. Each ministry utilizes gifts unique to each person. Our ministries reach out to the community, offers support to others, teach children about missionaries, and ensures the upkeep of our church.

The Men's Ministry works hard each year preparing for the Wild Game Banquet. They also fellowship each month during Men's Prayer Breakfasts. Our men's ministry are always having fun events for fellowship and outreach.

Our Women's Ministry have monthly activities where they fellowship together. The women enjoy beach reatreats, bible studies, conferences, secret sister, lock-ins, and even bunco.

We have many different areas to serve in children ministry. We have a Nursery Ministry, Children's Choir, Childrens' Church, RA's, and GA's. Each ministry bustles with activities. Children are taught by our trained volunteers who have agreed and passed background checks.

Our Youth group meets every Wednesday and Sunday evenings. We strive to connect our students to the church, grow them in God's Word, and engage them for Christ. They have opportunities to attend events, perform in skits, serve in mission work within our community.

Building & Grounds
Providing upkeep to the buildings and church grounds. Landscape, maintenance of interior and exterior of buildings, and general repairs are all included in this ministry.

We have many more ministries at FBCE. From the Kitchen to Audio/Visual in the sound booth. Click here for a complete list of our ministry opportunies.